Abergavenny Camera Club :

People who have presented at ACC evenings

Here's some useful links to people who have presented to the club over the years.


Date Speaker Subject
29-Jan Allan Lloyd, ARPS, AWPF A Natural Miscellany
11-Mar Harry Gardiner, AWPF Art and Photography
15-Apr Mike Martin, AWPF, EFIAP, BPE1* Shooting People
10-Jun Jonathan Genevaux Waterscapes
24-Jun Paul Alistair Collins Svarlbard: Life on the Cold Edge
25-Sep Phil Savoie Strictly Telephoto
11-Nov Keith and Lyn Sharples A Picture Wherever You Turn


Date Speaker Subject
23-Jan Les Loosemore, ARPS, AWPF, DPAGB Magical Prints
13-Mar EJ Lazenby Inspired by Art
15-May Sam Gregory Working in Photographic Projects and Collections
12-Jun Nick Jenkins, ARPS, AWPF What is it about landscapes?
25-Sep Kevin Pigney, ARPS, DPAGB, ASINWP Passion for Wildlife
23-Oct David Collyer, FRPS Documentary Photography (inc Covid in Nevill Hall)
13-Nov Phil Savoie, BS, MS, FSA Marvellous Macro


Date Speaker Subject
24-Jan Colin Jarvis, MA, ARPS Mono Moods
04-Mar Catherine Knee Reality is Overrated
09-May Karen Thorburn Photographing Scotland and Weddings
13-Jun Dr Nick Mason The Covid Project
27-Jun Paula Davies, FRPS,EFIAP/s, EPSA and Guy Davies, ARPS, EFIAP, EPSA Double Take 2
26-Sep JP Stones Story in Photography


Date Speaker Subject
18-Jan Yin Wong Street Photography and Outdoor Portraiture
01-Mar David Boag The World of a Wildlife Photographer
12-Apr Harry Wheeler-Brand Landscapes, Seascapes and Workshops
07-Jun Gareth Martin In the Making
06-Sep Sharon and Rob Prenton Jones Fantastic Composites
01-Nov Antony Zacharias Long Exposure Photography


Date Speaker Subject
20-Jan Phil Savoie Hotel Heliconia!
17-Feb Les Loosemore Winter Plus
16-Mar Mathew Browne The Art of Travel Photography
22-Jun Phil Cooling, FRPS Weird and Wonderful-ish
21-Sep Jade Stacy Maria How to Photograph Models, by a Model
02-Nov Alyn Wallace Astrophotography


Date Speaker Subject
21-Jan Talvinder Chohan Zoo Photography
18-Feb Phil Savoie A Trip to the Tropics
18-Mar Roy Carr 40/40
17-Jun Rob Cottle and Geraint Radford Natureship
16-Sep Dave Mason A Slice of Life
28-Oct Chris Fairweather Photojournalism: Stories from the Road


Date Speaker Subject
22-Jan David Broadbent The Gwent Levels
19-Feb Talvinder Chohan Wild Tigers
23-Apr Jack Tait How to Make a Photograph
18-Jun Molly Caenwyn Photographs as Objects
17-Sep Andy Beel, FRPS Every Picture Tells a Story
29-Oct Phil Savoie Marvellous Monmouthshire


Date Speaker Subject
23-Jan Tony Byram From V to A. How to build a photographic panel
08-Feb Mark Lewis The Landscape Photography Business
20-Mar Sarah Goodey, NHS Photos on display
09-May Gareth Martin From My Doorstep and Beyond
19-Jun Ed Cloutman, EFAIP The Night Sky
18-Sep Steve Littlewood Flight Photography
31-Oct Rob Ashcroft Macro and Close-Up


Date Speaker Subject
25-Jan David Haswell Through One Man's Eye
08-Feb Colin Trow-Poole People and Places
21-Mar Tim Knifton The Art of Urban Exploration
09-May Brian Haggerty Marmite Images
20-Jun Johnnie Rogers Johnnie's Selection Box
19-Sep Dave Mason I Shoot People
31-Oct Norman West Wildlife photography


Date Speaker Subject
19-Jan Nigel Forster Creative composition
23-Mar Chris Hatch In search of the Scottish wild cat
27-Apr Chris Longridge Mount cutting
11-May Andrew von Staufer Shooting in the freezer
15-Jun Leigh Woolford Iceland the beautiful
21-Sep Andy Beel Marvellous monochrome
19-Oct Keith Sharples Studio photography
02-Nov Toril Brancher The painter's perspective


Date Speaker Subject
27-Jan Gareth Martin Monochrome miniatures and more
24-Mar Martyn Hicks Event photography
21-Apr Richard Taylor Wildlife photography techniques
23-Jun Tony Worobiec Low light photography
08-Sep Mark Mumford Surreal images
20-Oct Ian Cook Sports photography


Date Speaker Subject
21-Jan Andy Davies Underwater photographer
4-Feb Keith Sharples Photoshop (and studio portraiture on 4-Mar)
18-Mar Nick Hart Astro photography
23-Apr Les Loosemore Photography presentation
01-Jul David Wilson Fine art landscape. Monochrome
16-Sep Andy Stoyle Our wedding photography business
28-Oct Allan Squires Macro photography
25-Nov Nick Jenkins Photography presentation

Copyright 2004- Abergavenny Camera Club. The copyright of images on this website belongs solely to the photographer. Images may not be copied, downloaded or used in any way without the specific written permission of the photographer.